Sunday, September 11, 2011

Menu Planning

So yesterday I woke up more refreshed than I had in a while. I can thank little Xavier for that it was the second day in a row we had a long stretch at night, 6 hours. He is doing better with his tummy problems but he does still have his bad times. If we can get the pups all healthy again that would be great, we are watching Gus he might have an infection. Poor pups, but they do snuggle more when they don't feel well. I always have a full lap and who could complain about that, right?

So after dusting off the cobwebs in the old brain I sat down to do some meal planning for the month. I haven't done it for a while, I did it for a few months back in Kentucky. There are some old favorites planned and there are a large handful of recipes from the different blogs that I have been exploring recently. I have known about blogs a long time but I hadn't really wandered around them very often until now.

So we will be trying out several recipes and we will post the results here and maybe you can find something new to try too! I guess I can't complain that Zach is on-board with trying all these new dishes, I am certainly a very lucky lady.

Here is the board I use. It is a fluid system so if something needs to move or if we feel like having something else than you just move it to that day or switch things around. This is a great way for us to eat at home and try to save some money. So I will keep you all posted on how it goes.

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